Avengers;Endgame Review

Endgame is HERE!!! im going to give my non-Spoiler review for the movie After the Devastated ending to the latest film Infinity war this a Part 2 continuation of that film.

With Humanity gone by Thanos useing the Gunleat from the first movie with the 5 infinity stones Iron man Rocket Cap and the rest of the surviving team must figure out a way to reverse the effect of the Gunlet.

What i liked about the film was the pacing and the Comastrey Between the characters and the acting as well what also liked about the film was the high tense action even though the movie is 3 hours long the 1st two acts are slow but then when it gets to the 3rd act it gets NUTS!!

The time traveling i didn't have an issue with and my fav Charcter was Rocket and his big guns and funny enough i didnt even went to the bathroom to miss any scene.

So overall i highly check this one out if ur an MCU fan like i am and Marvel comic book fan as well




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