The Secret Life Of Pets 2(2019) The Long Awaited Sequel to the 2016 Illumination Hit The Secret Life Of Pets 2 Is Here i Love the original Pets film from 2016 and its the first Pets film not to feature Louis C.K who plays Max. Now They Have Patten Oswalt to take over for him anyway on to the story it actually takes place 5 years after the events of the first film and Max Dose not like kids and his owner Katie gets married by a guy named Chuck and has a Kid named Laim and him and max have a Special bond Including Duke. The Film has 3 sub plots one with max and duke on the farm were Max gets trained by Roadster Played By The Great (Harrison Ford) to not be afraid and Gidget being trained by Chloe to act like a Cat and Snowball and Daisy Rescue a tiger from the Circus. Now what liked about the film is Snowball and Daisy's subplot with them rescuing a tiger from an evil cirrus and Wolfs and a monkey and the train chase scene was the best thing illumination has ever done....
Showing posts from June, 2019